Sarah Palin bikini Post

Gratuitous Sarah Palin bikini post

Now that the far left has released the hounds, they’re scrambling like mad to find pictures of Sarah Palin – then Sarah Heath – in a bikini (see update below). They’re guessing that far-right voters are so sexually repressed, they’d refuse to vote for a former beauty contestant who wore a skimpy bathing suit.
Although I’m not on the far right, let me be the first to say that swimsuit pics of Sarah Palin won’t mean squat to me.
Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.
If someone has pictures of Palin in a bikini – then or now – please send ‘em to me. Seeing that she was Miss Wasilla and first runner-up in the Miss Alaska contest back in 1984, I’m betting they’d make a helluva Midweek Peek!

Don’t be fooled by this bad Photoshop forgery that’s making the rounds. Whoever did it must either have also worked on the fauxtography for China’s Olympic fireworks or Iran’s recent missile tests.
UPDATE: Ace and see-dubya have the buzz and Right Wing News has already posted the unretouched original.
And just to make more Leftists’ heads explode, here’s one more for good measure.
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